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What You Need to Know About The I-130 Visa

This visa brings families back together. An I-130 visa is one way to reunite families in the U.S. It’s a great way for a current resident to sponsor their family member or loved one, and a great route to permanent residency.

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Who is the I-130 Visa For?

The I-130 visa is for alien relatives of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents that can sponsor their alien relatives.

Who is Eligible for the I-130 Visa?

As the petitioner, you may be able to file for your:

  • Spouse
  • Unmarried children who are under 21
  • Siblings
  • Married son or daughter
  • Unmarried son or daughter who is 21 years old or older
  • Parents

If you are a U.S. citizen, you must be 21 years old or older to sponsor your parents or siblings. If you are a lawful permanent resident, you cannot sponsor your parents or siblings. Furthermore, to qualify for the I-130 visa, your alien relative must be able to prove their relation to you.

The I-130 Visa Application Process

U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents must file the I-130 form for their alien relative(s). The completed form, accompanied by the required supplementary documents and fee, must then be mailed to a Lockbox facility, where forms are evaluated. Qualifying applications will be sent on to be adjudicated at a field office or service center, where a decision will be reached about whether to issue a visa.

Knowing which form to fill out may be simple enough, but answering the questions and providing the necessary evidence of your relationship can be difficult and confusing. We can help smooth the process and improve your chances of success.

We are I-130 Visa Professionals

As experienced immigration professionals, we know how to assist U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents in bringing their families to the U.S. through the I-130 visa process. You don’t have to do it alone, we can help.

We Understand the I-130 Visa Application Process

We have helped thousands of family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents successfully enter the U.S. with I-130 visas and we can help you too. Our firm boasts 15 years of experience in working with families. We know what the U.S. immigration department requires, and how to meet all deadlines and expectation

Make it happen!

Book a consultation and start your immigration process now! 

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