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Immigrate to Vancouver: Guide to Settling in British Columbia, Canada

Learn more about Immigrating to Vancouver, British Columbia!

Interested in moving to Canada?
Fill out our immigration assessment form today.

About Vancouver, British Columbia:

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is a wonderful place to migrate to.  Vancouver is the capital and largest city of British Columbia, with a census area population of 603,502 (according to the Canada 2011 Census) making it the eighth largest Canadian municipality.Vancouver is a coastal seaport city on the mainland of BC.

“The rate of immigration into Metro Vancouver will continue to be so rapid that, by 2031, only one out of four residents of the region will have grandparents who lived in Canada”  – Daniel Hiebert,  co-director of research and policy forum Metropolis B.C.

When the 2011 census was taken last May 10, the population of the census metropolitan area of Vancouver was 2,313,328, compared with 2,116,581 from the 2006 census. The population of the actual city of Vancouver was 603,502, up from 578,041 in 2006. The census indicated that Vancouver ranked No. 3 among the country’s 33 census metropolitan areas, and proves Vancouver is a destination for newcomers from abroad.

Vancouver has four different seasons – spring, summer, fall and winter. The temperatures can be very hot in the summer and mildly cold in the winter. You must plan your activities (in which there are plenty to choose from in this adventurous city) and your clothing around the temperatures so that you and your family remain safe and healthy.   One of the major landmarks of Vancouver is the Vancouver Science World.

Why Immigrate to Vancouver?

There Are HUGE Opportunities For New Immigrants to Migrate to Vancouver

This makes an ideal situation for people from abroad who want to immigrate to Vancouver, Canada.   At the end of the day, Vancouver has an aging population and they need to fill the workforce with younger skilled workers and so they are aggressively accepting new immigrants to their city. The skilled worker component includes immigrants who are able to demonstrate their ability to enter the labour market and successfully establish themselves in Canada.

British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program Could Be Your Ticket

Vancouver has recently streamlined the BCPNP — making a simpler, supported  path to their province for skilled immigrants.   Improvements by the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program for Skilled Workers will help you and your family to quickly determine if you share the qualities that lead thousands of people from all over the world to successfully settle and make a new home in Vancouver.

Want An Assessment to Know If You Qualify to Migrate to Vancouver?

Our immigration lawyers have the knowledge to let you know if you will qualify to immigrate to Vancouver.  Getting an assessment is easy:  just contact us here and book an appointment that is convenient for you.  We will ask you series of questions and will spend about 15-30 minutes in a virtual meeting to determine if this would be a good fit for you and your family.

How Our Immigration Lawyers Can Help

If you plan on migrating to Vancouver, BC, Canada, then you’ll want an immigration lawyer who knows the ins and outs of Canadian immigration.    Our firm has offices throughout North America, but our corporate office is in Toronto.  Even though our main office is not located in Vancouver, if you watch the video above you will quickly see we are able to help anyone in the world immigrate to British Columbia.

Our immigration lawyers have over 30 years combined experience and have successfully processed thousands of Canadian visa applications.   We are fully confident we can help you with your immigration matter too!  You can get in touch with us here.

Once You Arrive in Vancouver

Immigrate to Vancouver

Getting started is easy. Use our eligibility assessment form or call us today to speak to one of our Canadian immigration professionals.