Canada has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Many people want to move to Canada for their healthcare system to ensure their family is well taken care of. Although much of the healthcare is free in Canada there are some restrictions for immigrants and some procedures. Continue reading for us to explain how Canada’s healthcare works with immigrants.
As many people know, healthcare is free in Canada but just as the saying goes, nothing in the world is free. The program is a publicly funded system. This means that the people of Canada contribute to fund the program. The way that Canadian’s fund this program is directly through income taxes. Canada’s income tax is extremely higher than other countries because of the public healthcare.
Healthcare in Canada for Immigrants
Can Immigrants Get Free Healthcare in Canada?
In Canada in order to get universal healthcare you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. There are also restrictions to newcomers. You must have been living in Canada for at least three months to become eligible for Canada’s universal health care. In a nutshell, new immigrants have limited access to free medical care and will likely have to pay for some treatments or insurance.
What is Covered under Canada’s Healthcare?
In Canada, regular visits to primary care doctors, hospitals, and diagnostic services are covered by Provincial Health Insurance.
What is Not Covered Under Canada’s Healthcare?
There are several things not covered under Canada’s health care such as ambulances, prescription/over-the-counter medications, dental care, vision care, and long-term care facilities. This does pose a bit of an issue for people who have large out-of-pocket expenses, but the government does provide a tax credit to ease this burden.
Can I Buy Private Canadian Healthcare as an Immigrant?
Yes! Just like in the United States, Canada has private health insurance you can purchase. Most of these private insurance companies are for-profit and can be expensive.
How Can I Apply for Public Health Insurance as an Immigrant in Canada?
We recommend applying for health insurance in Canada as soon a s you arrive. Many of the application forms can be found at hospitals, pharmacies, doctor offices, immigration law offices, etc. There are some documents required to be eligible for health insurance such as your identification card and confirmation of permanent resident status in Canada.
Are You Interested in Immigrating to Canada?
If so, Contact VisaPlace today. All our cases are handled by competent and experienced immigration professionals who are affiliated with VisaPlace. These professionals consist of lawyers, licensed paralegals, and consultants who work for Niren and Associates an award-winning immigration firm that adheres to the highest standards of client service.
Ready for the next step? Book your 1 on 1 consultation now or call us at 1-877-296-0874.
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