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VisaPlace Legal Refund and Cancellation Policy

Interested in moving to Canada?
Fill out our immigration assessment form today.
Interested in immigrating to the United States?
Fill out our immigration assessment form today.

VisaPlace Legal offers its services on a flat fee basis that is agreed upon in advance of any services being rendered and formalized with clients through the signing and/or acknowledging the terms of the Retainer Agreement before any fees are paid. Given the transparency of our fee structure, we generally do not provide refunds.

If a client who retains our services changes his or her mind within two weeks of signing a retainer agreement and making payment, we may at our sole discretion, agree to refund the initial fees paid subject to a deduction for our time spent on the case at our hourly rates which range from $250 to $500 per hour. Additionally, applications suspended or terminated are subject to a $475 file opening fee which covers disbursements and will be itemized in your bill.

This refund policy may change at any time. If we change our policy, we will post the changes to our website.

For refund policy concerning consultations, please see our consultation refund policy.

VisaPlace Legal